Manufacturing Alliance establishes itself in Canberra

The Manufacturing Industry Skills Alliance (Manufacturing Alliance) has established its new office in Canberra, providing a permanent base for local staff and enhancing connections with regional partners.

Manufacturing Alliance CEO, Sharon Robertson, emphasised that the office will strengthen workforce planning and skills development, fostering broader links with unions, industry, and government. “With headquarters in Melbourne, this expansion aligns with the goal of building stronger connections across the Australian manufacturing sector for a more responsive approach to workforce development.”

The new office is co-located with Industry Skills Australia, the Jobs and Skills Council (JSC) for Transport and Logistics.

Manufacturing Alliance Board Chair, Graeme Russell believes the new arrangement exemplifies cross-collaboration with fellow JSC’s, saying “The solutions to the manufacturing sector’s workforce skills challenges lie in broader and deeper engagement with key stakeholders – industry, unions, training organisations and government – and in working closely with other Jobs & Skills Councils.  Our Canberra office will expand our engagement with important stakeholders in developing and executing solutions to industry’s skills needs.”

The office was officially opened by Graeme Russell on September 25 in Barton, Canberra, ACT.

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