2024 Manufacturing Workforce Plan: Solutions for Australia to maximise its $124 billion manufacturing industry
The Manufacturing Industry Skills Alliance (Manufacturing Alliance), the Jobs and Skills Council for manufacturing, has released the 2024 Manufacturing Workforce Plan, highlighting the numerous opportunities the multi-billion-dollar industry presents to jobseekers and the country.
The plan is a roadmap outlining the key skills and emerging workforce needs for the industry. With projected employment growth indicating a likely increase in employment equivalent to around 120,000 additional workers (16.8%) by the year 2033, the plan is designed to turn challenges into solutions and begin to build the capacity of the manufacturing workforce in Australia.
The plan also highlights sectors with the greatest opportunities for growth, development and expansion including the defence, clean energy, medical and space sectors, and the urgent need for skilled workers.
“The 2024 Workforce Plan is a step forward in addressing the pressing workforce shortages in Australia’s manufacturing industry. Our aim is to not only fill the existing gaps but to build a resilient and skilled workforce that can drive the industry forward,” said Manufacturing Alliance CEO, Sharon Robertson.
Ms. Robertson continued, “We are committed to delivering tangible solutions that address the skills and workforce challenges faced by the manufacturing industry. By focusing on practical, actionable strategies we are building priority actions that can offer solutions to supply side skill shortages.”
Link to the 2024 Manufacturing Workforce Plan
About the Manufacturing Workforce Plan 2024
The plan was developed through extensive consultation (conducted in 2024) with industry, unions, Australian state and territory governments, training organisations including TAFEs, Dual Sectors, universities and registered training organisations and other key industry stakeholders.
"The 2024 Workforce Plan is a step forward in addressing the pressing workforce shortages in Australia's manufacturing industry. Our aim is to not only fill the existing gaps but to build a resilient and skilled workforce that can drive the industry forward,"
Sharon Robertson, CEO, Manufacturing Industry Skills Alliance